Years Gone

Years Gone by Jericho Talley

Jerica Morningstar

Jerica Morningstar is a half-human, half-weaponized demon hellbent on overthrowing mankind. She's also an apocalyptic dystopian and science fiction author specializing in the scenarios of your nightmares punctuated by extreme violence and bloodshed.

A Northwest Arkansas native, Jerica uses her passion for storytelling and background in graphic design to create entertaining novels and merchandise which can be found here. When she's not writing or drawing, Jerica enjoys kicking back listening to music and smoking a blunt enjoying the outside world around her. Her other talents include prolific cursing, spilling/dropping things, making people laugh, and cooking.

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  • Years Gone

  • Building a Successful Author Platform

  • My Author Journey

  • Post Apocalyptic World Building