Years Gone Origin Stories

Get ready to dive deeper into the captivating world you thought you knew. The upcoming collection of short stories unravels the intricate tales of the side characters from Years Gone, shedding light on the mysteries and secrets that shaped their destinies. Brace yourself for a journey beyond the main plot, as these stories delve into the origins and untold adventures that have been waiting to be unveiled. Prepare to be enchanted, surprised, and immersed in the rich tapestry of characters' pasts that will forever alter your perception of the familiar faces from Years Gone. Stay tuned for an unforgettable exploration into the untold chapters of their lives

Book 1


Plunging you into a world forever changed, as seen through the eyes of Jackie, a dedicated nurse whose life shatters when her son is kidnapped amidst the chaos of the apocalypse. In this first book of the Origin Stories series, Jackie's journey of survival and search for her son is fraught with peril, heartache, and unexpected alliances. As the remnants of society crumble around her, Jackie uncovers secrets that shed light on the mysterious past of this desolate world and the enigmatic figures who shaped it. Her resilience and determination to reunite with her son propel her forward, offering readers an enthralling tale of hope and human endurance in the bleakest of times.

Coming Soon!

Book 2


Get ready to dive deeper into the world you thought you knew. "Jamie," the next book in the Origin Stories series, tells the intense tale of a young boy who gets kidnapped and turned into a lab experiment for the virus that takes over the world. As the dark secrets of the virus come to light, you'll follow Jamie's wild fight for survival and the messed-up experiments that change his life forever. Get hyped to be shocked, amazed, and totally immersed in a story that will flip your understanding of the events leading to the chaos in Years Gone. Don’t miss this epic journey into a crucial chapter.

Coming Soon!

Book 3

Detective Miller

Detective Miller takes center stage as he embarks on a harrowing quest to find Jamie and unravel the truth behind the cataclysmic virus that decimated the world. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the pandemic, Miller faces unimaginable horrors and battles relentless adversaries. His journey is not only a race against time to save humanity but also a personal mission to uncover the sinister forces responsible for the apocalypse. Through Miller's eyes, readers will experience a gripping tale of courage, revelation, and the relentless pursuit of redemption in a world on the brink of oblivion.

Coming Soon!